Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ken Solomon and his New Exhibition

After our great visits with artists Noah Becker and Grace Roselli in DUMBO and with the Flag Foundation in Chelsea, we followed them up with a superb talk with Ken Solomon at his new exhibition.

Having met Ken on our first night in the city, he recognized many of us when he met us at his exhibition. He gave us an in-depth look into his works, telling us about his fascination with systems and opening our minds to the concept that the way in which each one of us uses our technological devices tells a lot about our own personality. He even let us in on a secret to one of his works! However, we promised to keep it on the down-low.

(Ken Solomon talks about his inspiration)

My personal favorite of his works that were on display was his piece Running to Stand Still, which was a compilation of 100 watercolors paintings of iPhone screenshots displaying various songs he had listened to on his Pandora app as a means of self portraiture. Being an avid Pandora user myself, I understood right where Ken was coming from in his explanation about technology and one's personality. 

(Ken on how art circles can be intimidating)

It also excited me how Ken has been able to take a media like watercolor and elevate his works to the level of his oil-painting peers. His application and use of watercolor completely blew me away as I looked around at his exhibit. This visit was truly the highlight of my day! I look forward to spending some time to explore using watercolor in more of my own works as I continue to grow and learn!

(Ken's take on individual motivation and academic experience)

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