I did learn how to do a lot of things. I learned how to navigate a subway. I learned how to call a cab. I learned how to eat with chopsticks, and how to take a really fast cold shower. I learned how to fight off pigeons, and how to fight off drowsiness. I learned the proper way to drink wine. I learned how to find the cheapest food in New York City. I learned how to eat pizza every day. I also learned that when Marc says, "I'm buying lunch today", you order ALL the food.
There were, however, many realizations and epiphanies, if you will, that I came to during my stay in New York City. First and foremost, I gained confidence in my aspired career path. Coming here, I was still unsure of how serious the Art Therapy business can be. I had the opportunity to talk to some of the staff at LAND Studio and Gallery, located in DUMBO, New York. LAND is an education and treatment center focusing on adults with developmental disabilities. There, they generate and showcase the artwork produced by these people. LAND gives people the ability to express their talents and to be recognized as artists. And through talking to the staff of this wonderful treatment center, I gained confidence that my education will be sufficient, and that the lifestyle in which I am willing to pursue is both a rewarding and a creative lifestyle.
Also, I was able to see and experience first hand the countless opportunities that the art world has to offer. Art related careers, with hard work and perseverance of course, are numerous and diverse. I was able to meet and greet artists, visit almost 100 galleries in Chelsea, see many museums, action houses, and openings. I observed both the classical art world and the ever-changing contemporary art world.
Another extremely important realization that I had come to through this trip was the recognition of sense of community in the city. New York City is full of many different people. There are many cultures, lifestyles, and ideas floating around the big apple. But in spite of the differences that all of these people may have, when it comes down to it, New York City is truly one of the strongest and largest true communities that I have ever witnesses. A perfect example of New York City coming together as a community was during 9/11. I had visited St. Paul's Cathedral near Ground Zero. Rummaging through the memorabilia in the cathedral, I learned how supportive the city, and even the nation was as a whole.
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