Monday, May 13, 2013

Egyptian Cuisine

A few nights ago we had the privilege to have dinner with the author of How to Read Contemporary Art, Michael Wilson.  I was so excited about meeting him that when Marc announced we were going out for Egyptian food, my taste buds were blown away as our orders exceeded expectations.  Maybe it was the scene of walking into the prevalent cafe off Hicks Street in Brooklyn Heights, with only the name, Tutt Cafe, that distinguished itself from a typical New York Cafe.
After having Asian cuisine for the past few group dinners, authentic middle eastern food sounded deviant and appealing, but what we ordered was much more.  The food was as light and fulfilling as the endless amounts of homemade pita.  Who knew baked eggplant blended with tahini and garlic and a splash of olive oil (Babaghanouj) was so enticing.  The hummus with leg of lamb was one of my favorite dishes wrapped together with lettuce and herbs.  Along with dishes of falafel, marinated chicken, and merguez (spicy sausage of lamb).  

The meal was so delicious that on our evening off the other day, I had Tutt Cafe deliver their 'Green Pitza', pita bread covered in mozzarella cheese with leaks, scallions and fengreek spices.  Yet again, King Tutt did not disappoint.  I don't know if it's the Italian inside me or just my fondness for pizza, but I could not get over how heavenly Tutt Cafe's food tastes.  By far, it was the best group dinner we had as I walked away from it full, but uplifted; yet again, blown away. We have just a few group dinners left, and I cannot wait to see how they can ever top this one.

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